Pregnancy problems
If you're suffering with back, hip or joint pain due to pregnancy, chiropractic can be a safe and effective method of relief from the resulting aches and pains. At Harpenden Chiropractic Clinic, we welcome prospective mums from the wider area, including Stevenage and St Albans.
Pregnancy aches and pains?
During pregnancy it's common to suffer from aches and pains, after all your body is going through a period of immense upheaval and change, not to mention all the extra weight you're carrying around in the form of your precious cargo! A visit to a chiropractor can be beneficial. Through the adjustment of misaligned joints, and special exercises and stretches you can do at home, Harpenden Chiropractic Clinic can make a difference to your experience of pregnancy.

The potential benefits of chiropractic during pregnancy include:
Assistance in controlling symptoms of nausea
Relieving back, neck or joint pain
Alignment of the pelvis which could have benefits during labour